"Early childhood development and environment"
a discussion was held.
Early Childhood Matters Educational Collaborative Association
With the support of the Van Lier Foundation and the International Step by Step Association, the magazine's articles are translated into Mongolian and made available to the public through the Open School newspaper and its website. To expand this work and make it available to students studying to become teachers of vocational education and training, on March 6, 2024, the director of BHAN organized a discussion among the students of vocational education and training at MSU. Batjargal organized. About 50 students of full-time and day classes participated in this discussion, translated the articles in 2021 and 2022, learned about international experiences supporting the development and learning of young children, and expanded their knowledge. The following content was discussed. It includes:
1. An environment for learning the game
2. Influencing caregivers' behavior in supporting early childhood development
3. A child-friendly and stimulating learning environment
It was an interesting discussion where the students asked about their local experiences, takeaways, and what they could do